Distribuição e Impacto
Iracema's Promise
Artistic direction, screenwriting and production for the distribution campaign of the VR movie Iracema’s Promise, a partnership with the media group “Liberal”. During the week of “Círio de Nazaré”, the largest religious procession in Latin America and theme of the movie, the action with cardboards allowed audiences to experience the movie immersion. The realease of the filme was part of the #CirioInterativo project, offered to Cirio 2021 sponsoring brands. (Vale, Casas Bahia, Enel e Banco da Amazônia).
Check out the first video of the campaign showing audience’s reactions:
Digital Extensions
Before reaching the public in general, film kits were sent to local and national celebrities. We invited them to share the experience on their social media and invite their followers to visit the physicial action that would take place in a tourist spot in the city.
In the videos you can watch some of the stories created:
Cirio Stories
To extend the conversation about the action and the power of stories like these, we created a partnership with “Taturana Mobilização Social”, a movie distribution company, for the launch of the micro-series “História de Círio”. In episodes of up to two minutes, created for @taturanamobi networks, we tell the story of five characters from the audience, their relationship with this cultural event and their reaction to living the experience of the film. The microseries will be released at the end of October.